MPs - First round of Indicative Votes: J - Customs Union
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First round of Indicative Votes: J - Customs Union, 27 Mar 2019 [Clear]

Commitment to negotiate a permanent UK-wide customs union with the EU.

In important votes in the House of Commons if an MP votes to protect or preserve Britain’s democracy and economy from EU interference they are awarded a score of plus 2. If the MP votes in a way that harms our freedom, prosperity and sovereignty the MP receives a vote of minus 2. In the face of pressure from the Whips acting on behalf of their pro-EU leadership an abstention receives a score of plus 1. In the referendum of 23rd June 2016 if your MP supported Leave, they are awarded 10 points. If, however, they supported Remain then a score of minus 10 will be applied.

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MP / Constituency [Postcode lookup?] RatingAye (17)
No (7)
Did not vote (9)
All Votes (33)
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Guto Bebb, (no seat) -11%AyeIndependent

John Woodcock, (no seat) -30%Did not voteIndependent

Dominic Grieve, (no seat) -13%Did not voteIndependent

Frank Field, (no seat) 24%NoIndependent

Ivan Lewis, (no seat) -18%AyeIndependent

Chris Williamson, (no seat) -30%AyeIndependent

Charlie Elphicke, (no seat) 23%NoIndependent

Ian Austin, (no seat) -18%AyeIndependent

Sam Gyimah, (no seat) -11%Did not voteIndependent

Stephen Lloyd, (no seat) -51%AyeIndependent

Nick Boles, (no seat) -26%AyeIndependent

Anne Milton, (no seat) -7%AyeIndependent

Amber Rudd, (no seat) 2%Did not voteIndependent

Luciana Berger, (no seat) -26%NoIndependent

Kelvin Hopkins, (no seat) 37%Did not voteIndependent

Gavin Shuker, (no seat) -22%NoIndependent

Nicholas Soames, (no seat) -10%AyeIndependent

Richard Benyon, (no seat) -10%AyeIndependent

Lady Hermon, (no seat) -24%NoIndependent

Alistair Burt, (no seat) -11%AyeIndependent

Angela Smith, (no seat) -21%NoIndependent

Rory Stewart, (no seat) 0%AyeIndependent

Justine Greening, (no seat) -14%Did not voteIndependent

Philip Hammond, (no seat) -5%Did not voteIndependent

Kenneth Clarke, (no seat) -49%AyeIndependent

David Gauke, (no seat) -5%Did not voteIndependent

Margot James, (no seat) -18%AyeIndependent

Edward Vaizey, (no seat) -22%AyeIndependent

Richard Harrington, (no seat) -15%AyeIndependent

Oliver Letwin, (no seat) -18%AyeIndependent

Heidi Allen, (no seat) -14%NoIndependent

Antoinette Sandbach, (no seat) -49%AyeIndependent

Jared O'Mara, (no seat) -24%Did not voteIndependent
33 entries listed